Surprising Wisdom Hidden in Traffic Signals!

Saurabh Bhandari
2 min readJan 24, 2021

The other evening, as I rode back home, every traffic signal turned green, one after the other. It felt like gliding down a highway, effortless and smooth, despite navigating through the maze of narrow lanes with frequent halts. My journey was as seamless as melted butter.

Yet, there are days when every signal turns red, one after another. It becomes frustrating, testing our patience and resolve.

Both these scenarios share a common thread — us, the passengers.

Life mirrors these experiences. Many of us have encountered phases where despite our efforts and endeavors, progress seems agonizingly slow. We find ourselves wondering, “Why does life move so sluggishly for me?” while others appear to be racing ahead.

Fueled with ambition, we eagerly await the green light to accelerate. But life seems to confine us to first gear, or at times, even reverse.

In moments like these, what brings me peace and clarity is a principle rooted in ancient Hindu philosophy — the Law of Karma. It transcends mere cause and effect, delving into the realm of destiny and free will.

Our life’s experiences, termed ‘Prarabdha’, constitute a fraction of our total karmic reservoir known as ‘Sanchit Karma’. This is what we commonly refer to as ‘Destiny’. However, alongside destiny lies ‘Purushartha’, our free will to act. Life is a blend of both.

Imagine destiny as rainfall — inevitable and predetermined. Yet, it’s our free will to step out prepared with an umbrella or embrace the downpour. Life offers a mix of choices and circumstances, and our focus should lie on the former. Whether our journey is adorned with green lights or fraught with red, let’s drive responsibly, seizing every moment with grace.

And amidst the twists and turns, let’s not forget, we also have the liberty to choose our path. We may opt for the longer, smoother route or the shorter, albeit rougher one. The choice is ours.

Writing from a deeply personal space, I acknowledge those moments when despite doing everything right, something feels amiss. It’s disheartening, indeed. Yet, until the roads clear, let’s persist in our journey, embracing every twist and turn. For when the path finally clears, we’ll savor the ride twice as much.

So, don’t dwell on the signals. Focus on your drive. After all, as the wise say, true happiness lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself.

