Life’s Ride: Acting, Reacting, Responding

Saurabh Bhandari
2 min readJun 1, 2021

The choices we have in navigating life lie at the intersection of fate and free will. Some aspects, such as our parents, upbringing, socio-economic class, or the country of birth, are beyond our control — what is often referred to as ‘Prarabdha’ in ancient Hindu wisdom. Even unforeseen events like Covid-19 fall into this category.

On the other side of the coin is our ‘free will,’ our ability to make choices and respond to situations, people, and circumstances. This is known as ‘Purushartha.’ Life, in essence, is a series of choices, actions, reactions, and responses.

Understanding this duality is crucial. While there are elements outside our control, we should focus on what we can influence. It’s common, though, for many of us, including the author, to tirelessly try to change the external world. The realization that a considerable portion of life involves reacting and responding prompts introspection.

As we acknowledge the role of reactions and responses in our lives, a shift in focus occurs. Rather than attempting to change external factors, the author emphasizes the importance of mastering our internal response mechanisms. Conscious choice and thoughtful response become key.

The distinction between humans and animals lies in our capacity for control, choice, and intellectual thought. Yet, we often think after acting. Shifting from impulsive reactions to conscious responses brings about a sense of equanimity, balance, and awareness. Blaming external factors is recognized as an internal burden.

A poignant example is drawn from social media behavior. Instead of engaging in divisive online battles, the author suggests redirecting energy towards personal contributions to the betterment of society. It’s a call to replace reactive behavior with a more mindful response.

The metaphor of rainfall represents fate — an uncontrollable force. Complaining about it yields nothing. The choice lies in how one responds: dance in the rain, navigate with gumboots, or simply take cover with an umbrella, knowing that every downpour eventually passes.

Ultimately, the message is clear: we have a choice today, tomorrow, and the day after — to react impulsively or respond consciously. Life’s journey involves navigating the balance between fate and free will, making choices that shape our responses and, consequently, our experiences.

